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Elements of Mechanical Engineering


Title :  Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Authors :  Kestoor Praveen & M.R. Ramesh
No. of pages :  364
Price :  Rs. 200*


Elements of Mechanical Engineering is a text book for I/II semester students of all branches of engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum.  The book aims to enable the reader to appreciate mechanical engineering as a fascinating area of study.  Packed with well illustrated sketches and descriptions in a concise and lucid manner, the book makes the readers to explore the world of mechanical engineering.  A number of solved numerical problems help the readers to understand the application areas of the material covered.  Multiple choice questions in every chapter further enhances the readers’ knowledge.  Questions are framed from the depth of every topic to challenge the students’ ability to apply factual knowledge to a given situation/information.  Questions from previous VTU examinations (from 1999 – 2010) have been included for the benefit of the students from examination point of view. 
Two question papers of previous VTU examinations have been completely solved to help the students’ to have a systematical approach and structure for answering the given questions.  This also helps the students to face the examination with confidence and joy.  The book fulfills the aspirations and expectations of the current students and the concerned faculties. 

Manufacturing Process – II


Title :  Manufacturing Process – II
Author :  Kestoor Praveen
No. of pages :  278
Price :  Rs. 175*


Manufacturing Process – 2, is a text book for the students of 4th semester B.E., Mechanical and allied branches of Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU).  The book is written strictly as per the VTU syllabus 2007, also keeping in mind the expectations and needs of the students and the concerned faculties. 
The book is organized in to two parts: Part A and Part B, each having four units.  Part A includes Theory of Metal Cutting; Cutting tool Materials; Turning, Shaping and Planing Machines; Drilling Machines.  While Part B includes Milling Machines; Grinding Machines; Lapping & Honing Machines; Non-traditional Machining Processes

The hallmark feature of this book is the wide illustrations of machines and the various operations performed by them.  This helps the readers to grasp easily the functions of various components of the machine, and how their constructions are arranged to satisfy the demands put upon them.  Much emphasis has been given to explain the matter in a simple and lucid manner.  The contents in this book will also be useful and vitally important to engineering professionals, faculties, and students of other universities.




*   Prices are subjected to change

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